Cutting edge water filtration inspired by your kidneys
The latest cutting-edge water filtration technique comes from a biochemistry process that predates even dinosaurs. It involves harnessing…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
The latest cutting-edge water filtration technique comes from a biochemistry process that predates even dinosaurs. It involves harnessing…
It can be difficult to imagine how two organs that are so far away from each other in the body can be so intimately related.
Chess has been proposed as a way of improving math abilities, despite the fact that math and chess do not have as much in common as people…
Wearable electronics are the new fashion statement. Fitness trackers, smart watches, electronic skins….the possibilities are endless. We…
Jacob Haqq-Misra, Ravi Kopparapu, and Eric Wolf attempt to address this question in a recent paper titled "Why do we find ourselves around a…
A Coronal Mass Ejection means that the corona, a layer of the sun, explodes, ejecting particles into space. Supernova cosmic rays or…
From chemistry to biology to social networks, specific shared principles should guide how information is organized and how it cycles through…
An over-the-counter hormone supplement called melatonin, typically made from animal pineal glands or synthesized in a laboratory, was tested…
Radio astronomers working with a radio dish telescope detected something a bit unusual. They were seeing a very fast radio burst, faster and…
Organic farming and conventional farming each have their own strengths and weaknesses that depend on application.