An Interstellar Asteroid Just Flew Through Our Solar System
An asteroid recently came blazing through our solar system and it appears to be an interstellar visitor. The asteroid, dubbed A/2017 U1,…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
An asteroid recently came blazing through our solar system and it appears to be an interstellar visitor. The asteroid, dubbed A/2017 U1,…
An international team of scientists recently detected a new cavity in the 4000 year old Great Pyramid of Egypt! The detection method, muon…
Thanks to NASA’s Kepler Mission, over one-thousand potentially habitable exoplanets have been discovered to-date, orbiting around their…
A paper authored by Mario Bronzanti, Oliver Rauhut, Jonathas Bittencourt, and Max Langer in September of this year traced the evolution of…
Do you love tuna sushi? Did you know that the number of tuna in the ocean has gone down drastically due to overfishing? The law of supply…
A new field of science is born – astromaterial science. First mentioned in today’s paper, this scientific field studies materials of…
Researchers found a gene that, when it is suppressed, reduces injury to the heart valve during the sleep/wake transition in mice. Who knew…
Tsunami are among the most destructive natural events that happen on our planet. From the Japanese term meaning “harbor wave”, tsunami…
Since the invention of the microscope and discovery of microbes, their role in everyday life has been, to say the least, contentious. As…
How long has life been around on Earth? Is life an inevitable part of planet formation? The second question is tough to answer, but if life…