Growing plants on the surface of the Moon and Mars
The reality of being able to live and settle on Martian or lunar bases can seem like it is getting close. To do this, we need to be able to…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
The reality of being able to live and settle on Martian or lunar bases can seem like it is getting close. To do this, we need to be able to…
For the past few decades, scientists have been looking at planets outside of our solar system to see if they could host life. Now,…
Whether it is the acceptance of different passions, backgrounds, or even favorite movies, diversity matters. A group of ten researchers who…
Poliomyelitis is the name of the disease caused by the poliovirus, and it mostly affects children under the age of 5, causing paralysis in a…
How and why humans exist are questions that have challenged different cultures ever since the dawn of civilization. Many scientists have…
Researchers found that more than half of the bacteria collected from stranded cetaceans in the Philippines showed antimicrobial resistance…
Scientists use computer models to simulate what oxygen would look like on far away planets and found a chemical signature that helps us tell…
Altruism, in principle, is selfless action for the well-being of others. Altruism may help us achieve our space exploration goals. Space…
What should farmers do to deal with disappearing water? Add fungi to the soil! This recent study sheds light on the use of mycorrhizae to…
Osteoblasts are cells that are responsible for bone formation. A lack of osteoblasts will cause osteoporosis – a disease that occurs when…