Essential oil-coated fabrics repel bacteria and mosquitoes
Current antimicrobial fabrics have dangerous downsides - researchers have found a safe approach using essential oils. @ryant_kirby
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Current antimicrobial fabrics have dangerous downsides - researchers have found a safe approach using essential oils. @ryant_kirby
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, enters our body through our nose and mouth, and therefore, covering your face minimizes the…
Cell structures similar to membranes can arise from non-living substances under suitable conditions.
Graphene is a carbon-based material used extensively in electronics, biomedical devices, semiconductors, and space and aerospace industries.…
Researchers found a new way to tell the difference between the chemicals of life and the chemicals of non-life...using machine learning!
Scientists are using computer programs to understand our early beginnings. Click on the link to see how they are doing it, and how they…
How and why humans exist are questions that have challenged different cultures ever since the dawn of civilization. Many scientists have…
A study of burned and unburned cigarettes found that water chemistry and microbes living in Mediterranean beach sediments changed after 4…
Scientists used to think cysteine was required to manufacture itself. Turns out, it isn't. In fact, cysteine slows down the manufacture of…
In an effort to make these carbon storage wells safer and more effective for long term use, a team of scientists decided to try a biological…