New understanding of the human immune system
Scientists used a large-scale comparison of pairwise membrane protein interactions to reveal a complete network of the immune system.
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Scientists used a large-scale comparison of pairwise membrane protein interactions to reveal a complete network of the immune system.
Scientists wanted to understand more about how bacteria and archaea peacefully coexist in the deep ocean.
Back when the Earth was warmer, a part of the ocean called the Humboldt Current used to be dominated by goby-like fish instead of the…
If humans are to ever leave planet Earth, one of the first challenges we must face is how to feed ourselves. Space is hostile to life, with…
Plastics are ideal for use in household and industrial products because they are strong and elastic, but these properties also make them…
The living organisms that we see around us are made up of billions or even trillions of cells. Multicellular organisms are often considered…
Mosquitoes’ brains uniquely respond to a special blend of compounds found in human body odor, allowing them to track us by smell.
Dogs have been in our lives for at least 10,000 years. At first, dogs did not look like today’s common breeds — these appeared only…
Without plants on earth, we would not be here. But, where did plants come from? Did they suddenly just sprout out of the ground? Scientists…
Why does this help plants? Plants can capture energy from many colors of light, but they cannot use energy from ultraviolet radiation. By…