What Makes a Universe Habitable?
If there are multiple universes, which of them are capable of harboring life and why? A physicist comes up with a number, and that number is…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
If there are multiple universes, which of them are capable of harboring life and why? A physicist comes up with a number, and that number is…
Our Sun is the nearest star to us. We have worshipped it, bathed in its light, and, of course, studied it. Scientists regularly use our Sun…
Have you ever thought about why is it possible to understand the universe and why are we even here to understand it? Sarah Imari Walker…
Jacob Haqq-Misra, Ravi Kopparapu, and Eric Wolf attempt to address this question in a recent paper titled "Why do we find ourselves around a…
A Coronal Mass Ejection means that the corona, a layer of the sun, explodes, ejecting particles into space. Supernova cosmic rays or…
Radio astronomers working with a radio dish telescope detected something a bit unusual. They were seeing a very fast radio burst, faster and…
Large stars and planets in space have intense gravity. The gravity of these large celestial bodies is so strong, that they actually warp the…
Our understanding of astrophysics states that we should be seeing co-orbiting planets when astronomers look through their telescopes.…
At the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a supermassive black hole. This is normal — at the center of almost every galaxy there is…
Using an experiment carried into space on a NASA suborbital rocket, astronomers at Caltech and their colleagues have detected a diffuse…