Viruses inhabit even the deepest depths of the ocean!
Have you ever wondered what lies in the deepest depths of the ocean? Could there be scary sea monsters or other unknown life forms?…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Have you ever wondered what lies in the deepest depths of the ocean? Could there be scary sea monsters or other unknown life forms?…
Scientists hope to restore biocrusts by transplanting healthy salvaged biocrusts to damaged areas. This method was found to successfully…
Scientists discover a bacterial species that could potentially clean up uranium contamination in the environment following mining activity…
Researchers studying a sulfuric acid cave in Italy are among the first to describe organisms found living in gypsum, an acidic mineral…
Sort of like a fossilized microbial lasagna, fossils called “stromatolites” are formed when layered communities of different types of…
Many organisms live by breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide, and those that don’t often live by taking in carbon dioxide…
Have you ever driven past an old factory building and wondered what ever happened to the harsh chemicals that were used there? If you…
In an effort to make these carbon storage wells safer and more effective for long term use, a team of scientists decided to try a biological…
Sulfuric acid production by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria may be a solution to a long standing mining problem.