The ancient Mayan practice of dental modification
Today, dentists attach orthodontic devices to people’s teeth, like braces and crowns, for health reasons. During the early Preclassic…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Today, dentists attach orthodontic devices to people’s teeth, like braces and crowns, for health reasons. During the early Preclassic…
Based on visual and theoretical evidence, astronomers think that Mars has ice in caves that were carved out by volcanic activity. Spacecraft…
Scientists used genetic technology to identify the different roles of bacteria present in ancient fossil formations called stromatolites.
Ecosystems with diverse species and healthy habitats provide services that keep the system stable and are beneficial to humans. Humans…
Scientists used DNA sequencing to identify what microbes live on or near the root systems of farmed and wild wheat. They found that farmed…
Pink, green, and square-shaped microbes can help us understand the limits of life on Earth and guide our search for life outside the planet.
Scientists who study how humans might travel through space found a handful of specific genes that give bacteria some cool superpowers.
A group of scientists discovered 14,400-year-old ancient microbes preserved in a Tibetan ice cap that could help us understand how past…
Are microscopic mineral-eating microbes breaking down our mountains? They may be behind bedrock erosion.
Scientists aboard the International Space Station test if bacteria can get vital metals out of rock under low gravity conditions.